Friday, May 30, 2008

My Second Post

Today in the afternoon,I just started randomly thinking about the future. Everyone I know is either interning somewhere or well atleast has some sort of a plan for the summer. It scares the hell outta me. The only thing that intimidates me in this world is being unprepared for something.Now it's ok if its some sort of a spontaneous competition like a GD,Jam etc etc...that I can handle,but if its something I know about,even if its something I am proeficient at..I just have to practice over and over again,till I get that feeling that I can tackle anything that is hurled at me.

This approach has both its pros and cons,as this has been my mantra in life,right from the beginning.

Let's start with the pros,HELL,WHO DOESN'T LIKE TO BE PREPARED??.....after all its the sensible thing to do,you have an exam,you go home you study over and over again,till the blueprint is in your head.You have a cricket match,you train hard,you practise hard, and you go the next day hoping yu time the ball like you did in the nets.

On most occasions this formula works,but I think sometimes its better just to let instinct take over. You know those big occasions ask for something special,a moment of brilliance,that can only come once you let go and let your instincts take over. Very rarely have I done that,it scares the hell outta me-being not prepared.Maybe that's why I get into a negative frame of mind about somethings. Of course its a risk,but instead of thinking about the payoff if I win,I keep thinking about the consequences if the risk fails.

The very few times I have tried being carefree,and doing things naturally,9/10 things have worked out fine. But still this approach doesn't ever come naturally to me.
Maybe this summer, I will try and do that,you know just lay back a little and relax,and think that yes things do fall in place.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

My first Post

Its 2:14 am and here I am creating a blog,listening to a nice melodious hindi tune playing in the back,trying to figure out what led me to create this blog.

Its 2:15 am now,I have figured it out-THAT THERE'S NOTHING TO FIGURE OUT :-),I just created a blog because I felt like it. It's amazing how we tend to over-complicate things a lot.Sometimes the most obvious answer is the RIGHT ANSWER !!!!,unfortunately many times we tend to neglect what's been there in front of us all through out. We tend to look so many other ways ,without looking the simplest way,the right way.

Anyway this blog is going to be a really random blog,not particularly about anything or anyone,just generally about stuff I find interesting,which may include my life from time to time.

So last night I was watching The Godfather for the first time(yes,unbelievable,I know) on my PC,and you know I actually have to sit on a chair to watch a movie on my PC,because of topographical issues so generally I end up seeing just half of a movie and closing it,coz i get too tired.But with the godfather,I hardly moved from my chair.It was without a doubt,the best movie I have watched.

For those of you unfamiliar with the plot,the movie revolves around the Corleones, a Sicilian family and its head Don Vito Corleone(The Godfather).Now most guys would just after hearing the name Corleone immediately term them as gangsters and typecast them as "bad forces" in the universe.

But the movie(and the book,of course),really forces you to think,what exactly is Right or Wrong.Who defines Right or Wrong?.After all a positive consequence for a single person in the universe,will always lead to a negative consequence for some other person in the universe.Shouldn't it then be justified to use whatever means to ensure that you and your loved ones are on the happier side of the bargain?.

The Don's intentions are good,he always wants good for his family and friends,but yet the common man who hasn't interacted with him will always term him as a "Gangster",why ??....Because his means to achieve his good intentions dont conform to what we percieve as "Right".

By the end of the movie/book,I end up admiring the Corleones,because as a family they stick together through the tough times,and NEVER I mean NEVER does any Corleone break his word.The Don and his family commands respect,and rightly so because they never let go of their friends no matter how small or big they are in stature,whether it be a baker,an undertaker,or a judge,the Corleone association once forged is for life.

By the end of the movie ,I just end up thinking that someday hopefully, I will be able to follow my principles like The Godfather.Because a principled man has the greatest wealth of all,
he has....RESPECT.